Upcoming grant & award deadlines from PA Environment Digest: http://www.paenvironmentdigest.com/newsletter/default.asp?NewsletterArticleID=45853&SubjectID=
Grant Program | Funder | Area of Interest | Eligible Region | Eligible Applicants | Award Amount | Date Due |
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund
The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF), administered jointly with the PA Department of Environmental Protection, provides a resource for financing various public drinking water systems (including systems owned by for-profit entities and not-for-profit entities) for expenditures for projects which will facilitate compliance with national and state drinking water regulations or otherwise advance the health-protection objectives of the Safe Drinking Water Act. The Clean and Drinking Water State Revolving funds are funded by federal capitalization grants and State matching funds. View More |
Pennvest, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency |
Area of Interest:
Pathogens and Point Source |
Eligible Region:
Pennsylvania |
Eligible Applicants:
Water Utilities (see link for more details) |
Rolling | |
State Wildlife Grant Program
Funds for the State Wildlife Grants program (SWG) are provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to keep species from becoming federally listed as threatened or endangered. Annually appropriated by the U.S. Congress, Pennsylvania's funds are apportioned between the Fish and Boat Commission and Game Commission to address each agencies' trust species and habitats. The priority topic for the project will help support Pennsylvania's amphibian and reptile Species of Greatest Conservation Need found in the 2015-2025 Pennsylvania Wildlife Action Plan. View More |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) |
Area of Interest:
Eligible Region:
Pennsylvania |
Eligible Applicants:
Any organization, agency, person, etc. in PA |
Award Amount:
Up to 65% of total project costs |
Rolling |
EPA Clean Water State Revolving Fund
The PENNVEST Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) program provides funding to projects throughout Pennsylvania for the construction and maintenance of wastewater treatment facilities, stormwater management projects, nonpoint source pollution controls, and watershed and estuary management. (Rolling: 4 cutoff dates per year) This program offers low interest loans with flexible terms to assist a variety of borrowers that include local governments, municipalities, and privately owned entities and to establish partnerships to leverage other funding sources. View More |
PennVEST |
Area of Interest:
Pathogens and Point Source, Stormwater |
Eligible Region:
Pennsylvania |
Eligible Applicants:
See link for more details |
Award Amount:
Low interest loans |
Rolling |
Conservation Easement Assistance Program
The Conservation Easement Assistance Program provides small grants to conservation organizations to help cover the costs of:
The program helps to increase the quantity and quality of easements. View More |
WeConservePA |
Area of Interest:
Agriculture, Recreation |
Eligible Region:
Pennsylvania |
Eligible Applicants:
Private nonprofit entities and/or municipal authorities |
Award Amount:
Up to $7,500 |
Year-round applications accepted |
AML/AMD Grant Program
The new AML/AMD Grant Program that began in the fall of 2022 will continue with three more application rounds in 2023. The Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation is authorized through the United States Department of Interior’s Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement to issue grants to eligible applicants for the purpose of AML reclamation and AMD treatment or abatement. The Bureau will be accepting applications for projects that reclaim abandoned coal mines or address mine drainage from abandoned coal mines during the following open application periods:
2023 Application Round 2 – July 3, 2023, through 11:59 p.m. August 25, 2023 Projects eligible to receive a grant through the AML/AMD Grant Program must reclaim or enhance AML sites that pose a threat to the environment and/or public health and safety, as specified in SMCRA. Sites must be determined eligible by BAMR, entered into both DEP’s and OSMRE’s AML inventory systems, and, in most cases, associated with a coal mine that was abandoned prior to August 3, 1977. View More |
Area of Interest:
Abandoned Mine Drainage |
Eligible Region:
Pennsylvania |
Eligible Applicants:
county or municipality, county conservation district, council of government, municipal authority, incorporated nonprofit organizations |
Award Amount:
$7 - $10 Million |
August 25, 2023 |
2023 Urgent Issue on Water Trail Mini-Grant
This pilot project is an approach to providing funding for urgent, unforeseen situations on designated water trails that impede or impair access, create unsafe conditions/ safety concerns for paddlers or others who want to access the water trail, affect safe ingress/egress from the water trail, etc. Such situations could include, but are not limited to,
In short, the situation must be caused by an “unanticipated” event, or one that could not be reasonably planned for. A known ongoing situation that was simply not addressed in time would not qualify. This funding should be viewed as a “last resort.” If the applicant is not the Water Trail Manager, applicant must contact the Water Trail Manager before applying to this funding. Additional, all applicants must contact one of the Water Trail Program Partners at PEC, DCNR or PFBC prior to applying. View More |
Pennsylvania Environmental Council/PA DCNR |
Area of Interest:
Engagement & Stewardship |
Eligible Region:
PA Water Trails |
Eligible Applicants:
Eligible applicants include registered non-profit organizations and public entities (such as a county, municipality, or municipal agency). |
Award Amount:
up to $2,000 |
rolling up to 12/31/2024 |
PA Water Trail Mini-Grants
Applications will be accepted for projects that implement the PA Water Trail Program’s eight guiding principles:
Proposed projects must demonstrate that they will advance program goals such as creating recreational opportunities for all Pennsylvanians on water trails; developing trails that support sustainable use of natural resources; increasing and improving inclusive access to Pennsylvania Water Trails for all; and connecting water trails to land trails or to other culturally significant community assets. View More |
Pennsylvania Environmental Council/PA DCNR |
Area of Interest:
Engagement & Stewardship |
Eligible Region:
PA designated water trails (https://pecpa.org/water/pa-water-trails/) |
Eligible Applicants:
Registered non-profit organizations and public entities (county, municipality, or municipal agency) |
Award Amount:
up to $7,000 |
November 1, 2024 by 6 PM |
Coldwater Heritage Partnership (CHP)
The purpose of the Coldwater Heritage Partnership (CHP) is to provide leadership, coordination, technical assistance, and funding support for the evaluation, conservation, and protection of Pennsylvania’s coldwater streams. Goals of the program include:
Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds |
Area of Interest:
Abandoned Mine Drainage, Agriculture, Engagement & Stewardship, Pathogens and Point Source, Stormwater |
Eligible Region:
PA coldwater streams and their watersheds |
Eligible Applicants:
watershed associations, conservancies, conservation districts, municipalities, and local chapters of Trout Unlimited |
Award Amount:
Up to $7,500 (planning) or $15,000 (implementation) |
03/10/2023 |
Wild Resources Conservation Grant
Overseen by PA DCNR, the Wild Resource Conservation Grant program safeguards Pennsylvania’s non-game animals, native plants and their habitat. Grants are awarded in three areas: species surveys, conservation and management. The eligibility of applicants is dependent on the funding source. WRCP funding sources include both Wild Resource Conservation Fund (WRCF) and Environmental Stewardship Fund (ESF), with most the funds available through this solicitation from ESF. Therefore, applicants are strongly advised to seek a sponsoring organization that is eligible for ESF funding. The following applicant eligibility applies:
Area of Interest:
Engagement & Stewardship, Watershed Land Protection |
Eligible Region:
PA |
Eligible Applicants:
varies by funding source |
Award Amount:
$30,000 (average) |
July 8, 2022 |
UAC Grant Initiative
Only conservation districts as defined by state statute are eligible to apply for these grants. If NACD is able to continue this program, the next round of funding will open in Fall of 2023. View More |
Area of Interest:
Agriculture, Engagement & Stewardship, Pathogens and Point Source, Stormwater |
Eligible Region:
PA |
Eligible Applicants:
Conservation Districts |
Check back Fall 2023 |