
Upcoming grant & award deadlines from PA Environment Digest:

Grant Program Fundersort descending Area of Interest Eligible Region Eligible Applicants Award Amount Date Due
Land Acquisition and Conservation

These projects involve the purchase and/or donation of land for park and recreation areas, greenways, critical habitat areas and/or open space.

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Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR)
Area of Interest:
Agriculture, Engagement & Stewardship, Recreation, Watershed Land Protection
Eligible Region:
Eligible Applicants:
Municipalities, municipal agencies, land trusts, 501(c)(3)s
4/22/2020 4:00PM
People, Parks, and Power: A National Initiative for Green Space, Health Equity, and Racial Justice


Urban parks and green spaces—playgrounds, pocket parks, outdoor recreation facilities, open spaces, trails, gardens, and green infrastructure—are crucial for community health and well-being, a fact made clear during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite widespread appreciation for the health and environmental benefits of urban parks and green spaces, evidence shows persistent inequities in access, availability, quality of facilities, and programming, by race, place, and income. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) is working to build a Culture of Health where everyone in America has a fair and just opportunity to live the healthiest life possible. Park equity is a key component of this vision.

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Doris Duke Charitable Foundation
Area of Interest:
Abandoned Mine Drainage, Agriculture, Engagement & Stewardship, Pathogens and Point Source, Recreation, Stormwater, Watershed Land Protection
Eligible Region:
Eligible Applicants:
public entities or nonprofit organizations that are tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3)
Award Amount:
Up to $250,000
DVRPC Regional Trails Program

Partners across Greater Philadelphia are working to build a region-wide network of multi-use trails that people can use to bike, walk, roll, commute, exercise, relax, and meet neighbors and friends.  This network, called the Circuit Trails, connects communities across the nine counties of Greater Philadelphia and is a hub for national trails like the East Coast Greenway and 9/11 National Memorial Trail. About 370 miles of this 800-plus-mile network are complete.

Continuing to build the Circuit Trails and creating safe, accessible, and welcoming community connections to the network are two important goals to ensure the continuing success of this initiative. These goals are envisioned in the region’s long-range transportation plan, Connections 2050: Plan for Greater Philadelphia, and in DVRPC’s Regional Trails Program.

Capitalized with funding from the William Penn Foundation, a total of $1 million is available through this funding opportunity for projects in the nine-county Greater Philadelphia region to fund right-of-way acquisition, planning, design, and/or construction of multi-use trails and/or safe, accessible, and welcoming trailheads, gateways, and neighborhood connections.

 A strong emphasis is placed on equity and community engagement as part of this funding opportunity.

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DVRPC, William Penn Foundation
Area of Interest:
Engagement & Stewardship
Eligible Region:
Projects within a Census Tract(s) with Indicator of Potential Disadvantage scores of 3 or more per DVRPC Equity Analysis
Eligible Applicants:
Applicants may include state, county, municipal and city agencies and departments; nonprofit organizations and development corporations; or any other group with the capacity to carry out such a project. Trails must be fully open to the public.
Award Amount:
up to $100,000
Training and Technical Assistance to Improve Water Quality and Enable Small Public Water Systems to Provide Safe Drinking Water

EPA is seeking applications from organizations with a demonstrable history of providing effective, results-oriented technical assistance to public water systems. The Agency’s priorities include maximizing funds to provide significant benefit to drinking water systems in communities of need; tackling the climate crisis; and advancing environmental justice and equity. EPA believes this funding plays a significant role to ensure continued access to resources to support infrastructure improvements that protect public health, safeguard the environment, and mitigate environmental justice concerns at the public water system.

If you have difficulty accessing the full announcement electronically, please contact:
Brianna Knoppow, Phone: (202) 564-4433 E-mail:

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Area of Interest:
Pathogens and Point Source
Eligible Region:
Eligible Applicants:
nonprofit organizations, nonprofit private universities and colleges, and public institutions of higher education.
Award Amount:
$500,000 to $22,000,000
January 31, 2023
Small, Underserved, and Disadvantaged Communities Grant Program

To assist underserved, small and disadvantaged communities with improving their drinking water resources, this program will include approximately $25.8 million in funding. Grants will be awarded as non‐competitive grants to states, with a 10 percent tribal allotment of $2.64 million. The grant program is designed to help public water systems in underserved communities meet and comply with SDWA requirements. The grant program will provide assistance to underserved communities that have no household drinking water or wastewater services or are served by a public water system that violates or exceeds any Maximum Containment Level, treatment technique, or action level.

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Area of Interest:
Abandoned Mine Drainage, Agriculture, Engagement & Stewardship, Pathogens and Point Source, Stormwater, Watershed Land Protection
Eligible Region:
United States
Eligible Applicants:
States and Tribes
AML/AMD Reclamation Awards

EPCAMR has once again partnered with the Appalachian Region Independent Power Producer’s Association (ARIPPA) to offer a competitive award to watershed organizations working on Abandoned Mine Land (AML) and/or Abandoned Mine Drainage (AMD) remediation projects in the Anthracite and Bituminous Regions of PA. Grants, at a maximum of $2,500, will be awarded to at least one eligible organization or local government entity (ex. Conservation District) in each region. EPCAMR is hoping to see several good project proposals that we can help fund for this year. Grant proposals should be for on-the-ground AML/AMD construction projects with a completion date between August 2020 and August 2022.

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Area of Interest:
Abandoned Mine Drainage
Eligible Region:
Anthracite and Bituminous Regions of Pennsylvania
Eligible Applicants:
Watershed organizations and local government entities (ex. Conservation Districts)
Award Amount:
Climate Change Investment Initiative (2c2i)

The Climate Change Investment Initiative (2c2i℠), launched by The Exelon Foundation and Exelon Corporation, concentrates on startups that will help mitigate or adapt to climate change (e.g. reducing GHG emissions, energy efficienty improvements, renewable energy, flood mitigation, stormwater management, etc.) in Atlantic City, Baltimore, Chicago, Philadelphia, Washington DC and Wilmington DE. The goal is for the start-up to begin and make as much progress around the Impact Project as possible in partnership with Exelon
within 12 months of receiving investment under 2c2i.

-- You can apply for the next 2C2I Cohort today by completing and submitting our application.

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Area of Interest:
Eligible Region:
Atlantic City, Baltimore, Chicago, Philadelphia, Washington DC and Wilmington DE
Eligible Applicants:
Start-up companies
Award Amount:
100,000 - 300,000
Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program

The Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) is a part of the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) the country's largest private-land conservation program. Administered by the Farm Service Agency (FSA), CREP targets specific State or nationally significant conservation concerns, and federal funds are supplemented with non-federal funds to address those concerns. In exchange for removing environmentally sensitive land from production and establishing permanent resource conserving plant species, farmers and ranchers are paid an annual rental rate along with other federal and non-federal incentives as applicable per each CREP agreement. Participation is voluntary, and the contract period is typically 10-15 years.

For more information on the CREP program within Pennsylvania's portion of the Delaware River basin click here.

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Farm Service Agency / U.S. Department of Agriculture
Area of Interest:
Eligible Region:
Rolling Enrollment
Swift Current Initiative (funded by Bipartisan Infrastructure Law)

Pennsylvania will receive $5 million, through President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, to support Pennsylvania in mitigation against future damage from natural disasters.

“Pennsylvania is one of the most flood-prone states in the country,” said Gov. Wolf. “Every year we have flooding that does not meet federal thresholds for assistance, so this mitigation funding will help get people out of harm’s way and prevent future losses due to flooding.”

Properties that are covered by a policy through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and have sustained repetitive losses due to flooding are eligible for the new Swift Current initiative, made possible by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Homeowners who are interested in this program should contact their local municipality or county emergency management agency for more information. 

The local government in which the property is located is considered the sub-applicant and will work with interested property owners to develop a sub-application. The local government will submit the sub-application to the state on property owner’s behalf, and the state will submit the application to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). FEMA will select projects based on eligibility and funding available in each state.

Participation in the Swift Current initiative is voluntary. The following project types are eligible to participate in Swift Current even if an insurance claim has been filed:

  • Property Acquisition and Structure Demolition/Relocation;
  • Nonstructural Retrofitting of Existing Buildings and Facilities;
  • Structure Elevation;
  • Mitigation Reconstruction;
  • Dry Floodproofing of Historic Residential Structures or Non-Residential Structures; and
  • Structural Retrofitting of Existing Buildings.
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Area of Interest:
Pathogens and Point Source, Stormwater
Eligible Region:
Eligible Applicants:
Local governments: cities, townships, counties, and tribal governments can apply as sub-applicants to the state agency (PEMA)
April 1 through October 3, 2022
Coldwater Heritage Partnership (CHP)

The purpose of the Coldwater Heritage Partnership (CHP) is to provide leadership, coordination, technical assistance, and funding support for the evaluation, conservation, and protection of Pennsylvania’s coldwater streams.

Goals of the program include:

  • Foster a greater public understanding of watershed characteristics and how they affect coldwater ecosystems;
  • Identify special areas of concern, such as areas with exceptional water quality with high potential for impacts;
  • Produce conservation plans that will lead to additional planning or implementation of projects that protect and enhance our coldwater ecosystems; and
  • Provide technical assistance and financial opportunities to organizations dedicated to protecting coldwater ecosystems.
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Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds
Area of Interest:
Abandoned Mine Drainage, Agriculture, Engagement & Stewardship, Pathogens and Point Source, Stormwater
Eligible Region:
PA coldwater streams and their watersheds
Eligible Applicants:
watershed associations, conservancies, conservation districts, municipalities, and local chapters of Trout Unlimited
Award Amount:
Up to $7,500 (planning) or $15,000 (implementation)
